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Mayor Diodati Calling on Feds to Get Rid of ArriveCAN

Photo Credit: @jimdiodati

Diodati says the app could impact future tourism to the area.

Niagara Falls Mayor Jim Diodati is once again speaking out against the ArriveCAN app. 

According to Statistics Canada, the number of road trips Americans have made to Canada this summer is down by 45 percent compared to the same time period in 2019. 

Diodati says the app is discouraging international tourists from coming to Canada, which could also impact tourism in the future. 

"It's not just that this season has been lost because of the ArriveCAN for our international visitors. It's the residual negative effect of people in the future starting new habits and going to new destinations, and bypassing Canada and Niagara Falls."

Diodati went on to say that the app has had a "devastating" impact on local tourism.

"In Niagara, 25 percent of the visitation comes from the U.S., and they represent 50 percent of the revenue, so the effect is significant. And in Niagara, 40,000 people count on tourism to feed their families, to pay their mortgage and their rent. They need tourism to be successful."

The app has received negative feedback in Canada, with some travelers complaining that it has glitches and isn't user-friendly for senior citizens. 

Earlier this week, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra defended the app, saying it helps process arrivals quickly. 

The full interview with Mayor Diodati is available below. 

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