Starting a midnight tonight the regions of Toronto, Ottawa and Peel are moving back into a modified Stage 2, however schools and child care centres will remain open.
ONTARIO - The Premier of Ontario announced today that new public health measures will be in effect for Ottawa, Toronto and Peel regions for 28 days.
Here is the complete list of the new guidelines for a modified stage 2 in these regions:
- Reducing limits for all social gatherings and organized public events to a maximum of 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors where physical distancing can be maintained. The two limits may not be combined for an indoor-outdoor event;
- Prohibiting indoor food and drink service in restaurants, bars and other food and drink establishments, including nightclubs and food court areas in malls;
Closing of:
- Indoor gyms and fitness centres (i.e., exercise classes and weight and exercise rooms);
- Casinos, bingo halls and other gaming establishments;
- Indoor cinemas;
- Performing arts centres and venues;
- Spectator areas in racing venues;
- Interactive exhibits or exhibits with high risk of personal contact in museums, galleries, zoos, science centres, landmarks, etc.;
- Prohibiting personal care services where face coverings must be removed for the service (e.g. makeup application, beard trimming)
- Prohibiting personal care services where face coverings must be removed for the service (e.g. makeup application, beard trimming);
Reducing the capacity limits for:
- Tour and guide services to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors
- Real estate open houses to 10 people indoors, where physical distancing can be maintained.
- In-person teaching and instruction (e.g. cooking class) to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors, with exemptions for schools, child care centres, universities, colleges of applied arts and technology, private career colleges, the Ontario Police College, etc.
- Meeting and event spaces to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors, and
- Limiting team sports to training sessions (no games or scrimmages).
Schools, child care centres, and places of worship will remain open in these communities and must continue to follow the public health measures in place. Before-school and after-school programs will also be exempt from these new restrictions. Premier Doug Ford says he understands how serious this is for business owners and he promised to do everything he can to support them during this difficult time.
"I was working through the night with the Deputy Prime Minister, they understand how serious this situation is and the package of support they announced earlier today will make a big difference. They are extending the rent subsidy, the wage subsidy and business loans and for our part, we are ready to do whatever it takes, we won't spare any expense to keep you going right now. That's why I have directed my Finance Minister to make $300 million available to support affected businesses. This funding will support small business over the next 28 days. This will include waiving provincial and municipal property tax bills, hydro bills and natural gas bills."
You can listen to the remarks from the Premier today below: